I looked into the mirror one day
and saw the softness of my hair.
My breasts sat high, my eyes shone clear,
my skin was smooth and fair.
And somewhere in my memory
past time and spoken word
from a place of new beginning
a gentle voice was heard
Look and I will show you
the colour of your love
the orange hue of passion
and the green of perfect trust.
A maiden I may be
but secrets in my eyes I see
and I know that it is me
who is hope for humanity
I looked into the mirror one day
and noticed the widening of my hips.
My breasts were round, my hair was wild
there was a fullness to my lips.
And somewhere in my memory
past time and spoken word
from a place of fruitful healing
a loving voice was heard
Look and I will show you
the creations you can birth
from the pain and bliss of living
come your offerings to Earth
A mother I may be
and from my core I give to thee
the healing that is me
that my children may be free.
I looked into the mirror one day
and saw the dimness in my eyes
my breasts had sagged, my hair was gray
my face was etched with lines.
And somewhere in my memory
past time and spoken word
from a place of winters stillness
a wise old voice was heard
Look and I will show you
the bounty of your harvest;
the joys of mine bestowed to thee,
as you return to Goddess.
A crone I may be
and with my voice I do decree
come to know all three
the Maiden, Mother, Crone in thee.
This is beautiful. Thank you.
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