I lay in the centre of an open field…
bordered by trees that stretch and lift their arms toward the sky.
The sun is high and the day is hot.
I lay supported and held,
melting into you…
You of greatest beauty; smell of earth, taste of salt,
voice of thunder and hair of fire.
You who guides me,
moving the earth with one twitch of your finger.
You who washes me with your tears,
shapes me with your breath.
I lay in this field and my mind is full
with thoughts of the women of my time;
running from themselves,
from their memories from their true desires.
I weep for all the women in my time that cannot find their voice,
cannot raise it to sing your praises or scream out your rage!
They run from their bodies, Goddess,
and are kept from knowing the gifts of pleasure
and of power you give.
I lie in this field and hear your music;
drums that beat and pulse
as does my belly and my heart.
I mourn all the blood that is spilled without honour or meaning.
Blood of the women of my time in countries far away
and in places near.
I grieve for these women while I lay under your hot sun,
sweat trailing between my breasts
and the heat of rage tingling up my spine.
I have been these women….
I feel you coming before I see you;
Air expands and Earth trembles,
Fire in my Spirit ignites and Water floods my eye’s…
O Goddess…I see you coming to me!
I cannot move as I watch you moving closer…
your body huge and round and naked.
Your ample breasts swaying as you move your massive hips,
your thighs rippling with each powerful step you take.
Your belly round and strong and full.
You are all that is fierce and good and terrifying and real and
Goddess know that I am yours forever.
You squat beside me…
Your yoni alive, open and red as lava.
You grin at me and in your smile is everything I need.
Your eye’s go on forever,
your lips hold back secrets of millennia.
Goddess you show me what Woman is.
That is all…
you stand and simply move away;
one moment solid as rock beside me,
the next like a veil of cloud.
As you go my heart is filled…
I have never known a love like this.
I whisper into the Air that is you,
into the Earth that is you,
my words on fire with promise…
I will not forget….
Not myself
Not my sisters
Not you
Not ever.
And this is how She rises.
This makes me weep with the remembering of such a connection. I long for such depth as you express; that it may rise in me once again. Powerful beyond measure, it's calls me home.
Thank You.
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