Despite the sound of my Beloved’s call
I hid beneath the tree.
In fear I trembled so that leaves did fall
and soon did bury me.
But my Love’s beckoning could still be heard,
my ears drawn to Loves’ word.
In the darkness of good nature’s shelter
I tallied all my sins,
even so my Loves’ reach would not falter,
and Love soon entered in.
Then said; “No forest can hide you from me;
Did I not make the tree?”
The gentle breeze of grace began to blow
I was soon uncovered
and washed clean in merciful water's flow
poured forth from my Lover.
I unworthy, no matter forgiveness,
of love so true as this.
My Beloved bade me to an orchard
then nursed me plump with fruit,
until my body was free of torture
and guilt’s harsh voice grew mute.
Then born aloft upon my Lovers sigh
my soul embraced the sky.