In this moment there could be a no more perfect place
for me to be, just be.
Sun rising warm on my face,
eagle perched in a nearby tree,
water in constant motion, now retreating from the shore.
In this moment there could be a no more perfect me;
gentle heart and calm mind,
listening to the whispers of this Earth,
hopeful, daring,
daring to hope.
How do I gather these moments within me?
Store them in my Soul
so that they arise, like this sun,
when I cannot see the Light?
Ravens surround me and Morrigan calls,
I hear her voice in the tide.
She is not angry, she does not scream,
even as she opens her cloak to me.
O Goddess of this Earth, of this Universe
O Goddess of this heart, of this breath;
Rise up from this sacred place
where all your treasures await.
Rise up fierce and gentle Mother;
sing to me the Eagles song,
lift me up on wings of gold.
Carry me, carry me.
Sitting on this beach in this moment
I could believe that God constructed this place
just for me.
I could believe that this was God’s way
of celebrating my birth.
That when I plunged head first
into this life; grasping for light,
strong heart in plump body,
God was so moved that this place
sprung up from His own elation,
knowing I would sit here one day
and appreciate His gift to me.
I believe that for all of us;
each new life an elated creation.
Like the seal that peaks its head from the waters,
we come from deep places.
But always we surface, always arise
to be carried most gently to shore.